
Thursday 29 August 2013

THE TRAVELLER'S SEEDS by Temitayo Ogunmokun

A traveller I am on this lush green field
Ignorant of the powers the Fates may wield
My curiosity piqued as I boldly toe
New lanes never trodden by friend or foe
Armed with nought but seeds of truth
And the daredevil schemes of intrepid youth
Not guided by tales of travellers past
Yet I found my spot and there I’d last
And in this field, my seeds I planted
In reality, that was all I ever wanted
A dream; a life given me to nurture
For its produce would seal my future.
Alas! My seeds weren’t destined to grow
For the sun came out -long, harsh and slow
I stood helplessly and watch them shrink
Wordlessly pleading for one final drink.
I wallowed in despair at my sudden doom
And trembled in fear in my narrow tomb
No hope sprang eternal from this breast
Tears pouring, I knew I’d failed this test
But then again, our elders always say
With every problem, there comes a way
Bearing this thought in distraught mind
I once again stood on my battered hind.
Sunset! My bane has burned itself out!
With it, every speck of lingering doubt.
And on its heels came soothing rain.
To ease the waves of maddening pain.
And thus, this field which once was razed
Now in all its glory proudly blaze!
And fruits which once were pale with sin
Now glow in sight; both bright and green
In truth, Africa stands the restored land
And I, a fruit of her caring old hand.
The rain personifies this Youth Alliance
On which we youths forever find reliance.
NB: The above poem was composed by me at the behest of Kalaya Nadina, the Conference Chairperson of the Youth Alliance for Leadership and Development in Africa (YALDA) and was selected as one of the two poems to feature in the YALDA Gala programme of events. The poem was subsequently presented by me to a very receptive audience at the YALDA black tie dinner which held on Saturday 23rd February 2013 at the Lagoon Restaurant in Victoria Island, Lagos.

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