
Wednesday 14 August 2013



We are safe under the open sky watching the mist float aloft like our anguish sailing away

Nomads we are, 
Bedouins on feet shod determination
Head strong, strong headed
Eyes fixed on the prize, the unknown
To our asseveration,
We will bring home the foreign harvests

Time ticks, we have trod too long
Like the Jews in the wilderness
Wandered afar,
Drifted from the bull's eye
A dart lost in the wind 
We wondered
why we had no guide
Why we were left in desideratum
Longing for the signs in the sky
that twinkle little star
Or a sign in the lands
Dry lifeless deserts

The astronomers are blind
The land is laden with blood
The Cartographers are quadriplegic
The compass lost its magnetic sense
The sextants quarrelled with the sun
The clouds are too thick

In no time, time will be vestigial,
Like our hope is
Expectation postponed, Hope deferred; stolen away
We have shod feet, sandals of determination
Eaten up by the teeth of the distance
We walk in a parched land
Starved of murals and morals,
Our asserverations

We stopped, halted
withered with bewilderment
Its night, we are close to the end
End of our time.
How time flies, on the wings of eagle

A little sign we pray
We have walked too long in this desert
We have harvested dusts and unhumid winds
Our Utopia is worn down with fraught
Let's sit, in the sand, let's wait
For the sign
It is night, we are lost
We laid back with hope Worn thin
We look to the dark moonless sky

We heard a cry,
another dying soul?
Fingers directed, pointing away
from the lost lot
Into the air field above our head
The night sky smiled
With teeth of diamond
Our hope cobbler, mended our shoes

In awe and with refurbished hope
We look to the allures of the night sky
With our back against the loose soil
In the Night sky, diamonds are forever
In the blue fields, we will harvest the stars
We will journey home
And sprinkle the star dusts


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