
Wednesday 14 August 2013

Still we dance these tunes by Kelvin Kellman

Our very eyes we glimpsed at the arrival of giant sails
Beheld the docking and the emergence of mankind
In cassava skin mumbling through their nose
Soon our kinsmen disappeared from batters of our chiefs
For combs, whisky, guns and mirrors
They drummed and we danced.

Our craft of time immemorial,
Our Nok and Terra-cotta, our bronze and pottery
Soon found foot in glass museums
Breeding millions by the annual
This sweat of our ancestors’ knack
Sustaining them vast terrains
But they would say: they are folks of primitive mind
They sang and we danced

So when earth’s blood was uncovered
And was on our unsophisticated land
We saw them again, doling millions for black gold
But someway the millions ebbed away
For we boast nothing of our own; - freight and trade in
And I thought I saw that knowing smile- plastered on their shrewd faces
They piped and we danced

A favourable blood have emerged
Run by expertise and innovative institutes
But we possess no such sort
Ha! They had it all along
Our imprudent leaders in Ekwensu* skin
Inspired by Esu** all the while
Have danced us all to hell 

**Esu: Deity of disorientation in Yoruba folklore

*Ekwensu: The devil in Igbo dialectal 

Kelvin Opeoluwa kellman
La Charla, OAU


  1. lovely. the imagery and narrative perfect

  2. Beautiful piece. Keep it up.
