
Wednesday 14 August 2013

Memoirs of a gidi girl by Rachellered

Shit!! That’s the third time my 5:30am alarm is going off, Which means I am 30 minutes behind schedule……..SHOOT!!!!!!  I am so gonna be late for work, this is all Jazz’ fault, told her I wasn’t going out on a Thursday night but she wouldn’t listen.
     You are probably lost by now, thanks to my ranting. Alright let’s start from the top, My name is Raychelle Akin, Ray for short *wink* and this story is an insight into my Friday which typically involves me waking up at 5:30am, oh, how I hate early mornings L ……….marching my cute lil ass to the shower (highlight of my day ;) )……….dressing and making me up, this chic here always loves to look chic……..and all the while hoping ‘Power Has Changed Name’ don’t start their ‘lights off’ game ,if they are not at it already, that is. By 7am, I’m stepping out of the house in my very lovely and flirty, yet presentable dress (it’s fun Friday at work). Later in the evening, Jazz and I hook up with her FiancĂ©, Tobi and any bachelor they consider eligible and cool enough to match make me with; it never works but Jazz never gives up either. Sometimes, we hang out with a couple of friends, get drunk but never drunk enough not to go home. By the way, I live at Ipaja with my Parents and work at a top Advertising and PR firm at Ikeja, Lagos. I studied Public Administration in the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, graduated three years ago with a Second Class Upper (Yes, I’m smart  J ). I deal with all sorts of people in my job, from the laymen during research to celebrities and company executives. I am 24 years old; love my family, friends, Jasmine Oladunjoye (my best friend and favorite colleague, call her Jazz), partying and the fine things of life…men, wine, fashion and music. Wondering why you didn’t see ‘I love my BF’, right?? Well, I’m single, sadly. I have had my fair share of BFs, never met one I’ll love to get married to and I am getting older so I have decided to stick it out and wait for the right one, no more one night stands, try outs and flings. Except maybe in Walter’s case, Oh Yes, just one night with him and I’ll never break the rule again. Oh, who’s Walter?? Walter is the young, hot, too damn fine bloke at the firm who doubles as the Managing Director and the CEO’s son. Brown eyes I wanna get lost in, pink lips I wanna kiss so bad, black short hair I wanna bury my hands in, strong arms I want to lift me up *sigh*. That man defines Sexy, has every lady at work swooning, except of course Jazz who is very much in love with and engaged to Tobi, I envy those two. Even the married women are not immune to his charm, and word has it he’s very single too.  Enough of me and my fantasies, back to my day.
     So eventually, I jump outta bed, rush into the shower, have a quick one, jump out and start dressing up. Mum asks if I want breakfast but I tell her I’m late already. I finish up, grab my Ho-Bo bag, kiss my dad on the cheek and say goodbye to my mum. It’s 7:15 am and I have a crucial meeting by 8:30am. I get to my car only to discover a tire has deflated, damn. I rush back inside to tell mum I need her car to get to work, didn’t even bother to listen to her protests cos I know she’ll succumb finally. I grab her keys and off I go, her fuel gauge is almost down. I should have borrowed one of dad’s cars; he never lets his fuel tank empty halfway. I leave home and 5 minutes later it starts raining heavily, at least now I’ll have an excuse for being lateJ. I stop by d filling station to get fuel and just as I drive out, the traffic light turns red, Nice Timing Yo!!!! 60 seconds, then the school children walk across the road and now I’m free to go *whew*. The rain has stopped now but unfortunately the ‘Go-Slow’ didn’t go with it. Traffic crawls for about 20 minutes and then the road is clear, thank God. I arrive at work at 8:25am after incessant calls from Jazz, to remind me to be early for the meeting I’m sure. Now I can’t get a parking space, obviously our Esteemed clients have taken them all so now I have to park by the roadside and hope my mum’s car won’t be towed, she’ll have my head for dinner if that happens. I step out and whoooosh, this mad motorist splashes rain water all over me. ‘Gawd, can today get any worse?? Fuck’. My phone beeps again, my secretary, Ifeoma this time. I rush into my office with my files, hand my bag to Ifeoma, get some tissue papers from her desk to clean myself up, and then march to the conference room. I meet Jazz on the way and she immediately starts a convo...
         ‘What happened to you? You look like a mess…..and you didn’t pick my calls…..’
         ‘I have a meeting, Jazz. Can’t talk right now…’
         ‘Yeah, about that, he will also be sitting in on the meeting…’
         ‘Who’s he?’
     I swing the door of the conference room open; only to have all eyes in the room on me (do you have any idea how spooky it is to have 9 pairs of eyes staring at you, all in heads above bodies of men in black suits?). And yet the only pair of eyes I notice is his, Walter’s and the smirk on his face, what an ass!!
         ‘You are 15 minutes late’, the person next to Walter says.
     I then notice the head of the Advertisement department; Company lawyer and one of our PR Consultants were also in attendance. We are to be seated at the left side of the long table and the only empty chair, reserved for me as I could see, is to the far end nearest to the projector and drawing board. Our clients have obviously come for the full package and this meeting will definitely have a say in my future in the company. Well, Raychelle always delivers and I don’t plan to relent this time. Thank God I ditched the Native dress for my killer ‘Lucy Liu’ style pencil dress today, I can feel the energy seeping into my fingers and toes already.
     Then I hear Walter say, ’I’m sure Miss Akin has a good reason for being late.’
     At this point, I look at him and smile, maybe I read that smirk wrong; maybe he’s not an Ass after all.
     I put on my ‘Woman in Charge’ Attitude and apologize for my lateness, then get right down to business. Turn every opposition to Mince-Meat and after 3 grueling hours of proposals, arguments and decisions; I win my company one of the biggest contracts of the year. I can tell after it all, by the smiles on my Bosses’ faces that I did a great job. After several congratulatory hand-shakes and pats on the  shoulder, I find my way to my office and in comes Jazz less than 10 minutes later, she comes straight to my desk, leans on it and gives me the ‘fess up’ look.
         ‘What?’ I ask, even though I know exactly what she wants.
         ‘You know na, come on babes, spill it. Did he ask you out?
         ‘Jazzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a meeting, remember!!!!!’
         ‘So? He could have asked you after na’
         ‘Well, he didn’t’ I reply.
         ‘Awwwwwww, dude’s a fool if he can’t see how much you like him.’
         ‘Oh please, I don’t like him that much joor.’ I said and fake an ‘I’m so not interested’ look. 
         ‘Yeah right’, Jazz said, ‘You don’t like him the same way every girl doesn’t like Christian Louboutin Shoes.’
         ‘He did smile at me though’, I giggle happily.
         ‘Woo-hoo’ Jazz sang, ‘he likes you, he’ll come back for more, I mean who could resist a beautiful, young and smart woman like you’.
     I’m about to tell her to not get her hopes high when someone rasps on my door. I look at Jazz puzzled because people seldom knock on my door without Ifeoma informing me first.
         ‘Come in’, I answer and in all his elegance walks in Walter in his Black ‘Pitbull-like’ suit. Does he never look awesome? Looks like even fashion and the winds worship the sands he walks on.
         ‘Hi’, He says in that deep, sonorous voice of his. ‘I didn’t really get a chance to congratulate you in the conference room’.
     Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Jazz roll her eyes from me to Walter and back to me in an ‘I told you so’ way. I smile and clear my throat so she knows to get her ass outta the room and thankfully, she gets the message.
         ‘Uhm, I’ll, I’ll just come back for the uh, the papers aii. Yeah. Uhm, Excuse me.’ She walks out and right behind him, I see her give me a grin and a Thumbs-up. And I really can’t help but smile.
         ‘Uhm, well thanks Walter but you didn’t have to go through all the trouble to come here’, I say.
          ‘It’s no bother, you know. Very good job you did there, very impressive. You really are one smart lady’, he replies.
         ‘Thank you very much’ I grin and say, grateful that he can’t see me blush. By now, I’m sure my brain is doing some back flips in my head.
         ‘Errr, I was wondering if you’ll be free tonight. Maybe you’d love to go out or something. I would love to have the company of a sexy, smart woman tonight.’
     OMG!!!!! Did Walter Akhigbe just ask me out, I faint in my sub-conscious.
         ‘Oh, I’d love to. But Jazz and I have this ritual every weekend where we hang out with her fiancĂ© and friends’, I reply, mentally beating myself up. Hoping he’d ask to come along.
         ‘Oh, I see. Alright, maybe some other time then. Will you let me know when you are free?’ He asks
         ‘Yeah, or better still, why don’t you come with us? That’s if you don’t have other plans of course’
         ‘Oh, sure, I can. If they don’t mind, that is’ He replies.
         ‘No, they won’t. 5pm, is that ok?’
         ‘Yeah, it’s perfect’
          ‘Ok, see you soon.’ I say and see him out of my office mentally doing high jumps.
     As soon as he leaves, I pick up my phone and call Jazz, she picks on first ring. That girl sure loves to gossip.
         ‘Guess who’s coming to dinner with us tonight?’ I ask mischievously.
     Jazz, being Jazz screams into the phone, instead of answering me. I remind her we’re at work and tell her to get ready to go out by 5. She giggles delightedly and we hang up and get back to work. It’s 3pm and the only thing I prove effective at doing for the next 2 hours is thinking about my date with Walter. Eventually, 5pm comes and Walter comes calling. I smoothen up my dress, arrange my desk, touch up my make-up, pick up my bag, give my secretary a few instructions and leave for the weekend. We decide on going in Walter’s car, so I leave my mum’s car at work and go with Walter; three of us have lunch first and wait for Tobi to come meet us. By 7pm, we’re on our way to party in VI, I in Walter’s car, Jazz in Tobi’s. We use this opportunity to get to know each other better; we talk about our families, friends, hobbies, movies and music. Turns out we are both adept lovers of John Legend, Coldplay and Rihanna and we sing along to some songs playing on the radio. I discover he’s a bit shy actually, which is why he doesn’t relate with most of the ladies at work and he discovers and likes the fact that I still live with my parents. But what I really love is that I’m very comfortable around him. We arrive at the club and party the best we can in our official wears. At a point, things get really cozy on the dance floor and we end up kissing each other, a short, quick kiss, then a long one, then a very long one, next thing we know, we can’t keep our hands off each other and at last, it seems like something in my day is making so much sense J.

     It’s 1am and we have to leave the island, I kiss Jazz and Tobi Goodnight and the men say goodnight too. We then start the journey back to the office. We sing songs, talk about how much fun we had at the club and what our Saturdays will be like. We set a date for Saturday evening since we know we want to see each other really soon again. We get to the office and he follows me to my mum’s car, kisses me good night and bids me farewell. We promise to call each other as soon as we got home. He calls me when I’m halfway, which I knew he would since he stays in Omole Phase II; I pick up and tell him I’ll call him soon. I get home at 2:45am and let myself in with my key. My parents are asleep already since I told them I’d be coming home very late. I call Walter and we go on talking again for about 30 minutes. Finally, we say goodnight to each other. I have a hot shower, and go to bed by 3:37am. I eventually fall asleep with Walter on my mind; it really was a good day after allJ.