
Wednesday 14 August 2013


from abstract art blog

The craze for money begins the day
On whose face and others do we
See the early calls for greed?
Someone after is tucked with a bullet
And a whole city cries fear in the
Ceremony of dead honey lines
I won’t deny the crouching of lies
Behind the statements of leaders
Also do I see many wolves eating
The loaves of innocent bystanders
The news called to my ears yesterday
And in the story were bombs! Bombs! Bombs!
It continued with floating lives scattered
All over ethnic lines and that the church
And the mosque agreed and disagreed on
The same foot-
The news then ended abruptly after the
Men of darkness denied my bulbs sight
Some nights ago anyway, I met a man
By the side of the road- very close
To my home-
My pockets had nothing as such
Except the detergent perfumed skin
Of my blind searching hands-
I stopped a bit to see his bowl so old
While cars of variety kinds rode along
With bragging tires and taunting songs
I sat on my couch a little while later
Looking intently with tears filming
My view- at the letter of termination
A call came- the voice soothed then
Scratched inside my hearing giving
Me more room to swim a lot more
My shoes came off, the pain blew open
I caught that anyway with divided attention
A knock at my door- the lord of the room
Enters scanning his very own achievement
Then says- it’s either tomorrow or out
My clothes leave me- the shower holds me
The water loosens me and a little while after
I looked aimlessly into the dark night-
And I think I felt cold
Someone surely died today
Somewhere close or near-
Unknown or known
Friend or foe-
But another has breathed the first
Or squeezed from the choice to life
My feet felt cold- my inside a little warm
I fell into my bed- it was black all over
Women and children killed everyday
He said collateral damage-
For the bigger loftier good
I pinched hard my thoughts
The pain was the face of a drone
Flight above poking the ground with missiles
An attempt to shut happened on my lids
Eyes wide open- a quarter roll
I defeat that for a little while
The craze for money begins the day
On whose and others do we
See the earthly calls for greed?
Power dismantles all forms of sympathy
Absolute power absolutely dismantles
All forms of sympathy-
The peaceful pleas for sanity severs
The bond with sanity-
The insane mingles with the insane
And the discussion centers on
Making everyone sane-
Deaths become everyday tales
Told with such levity encountered
By a nagging fly’s buzz-
Waterboarding of a being is correctly
Explained with the first amendment
Someone in a country of bearded men
Decide to go against the world-
Bombs! Bombs! Bombs!
Kill, I kill, killings, we kill, blood
We pour more blood-
Blood kills along with all the
‘Evil for more evil’ verses and the
Papers continue the tale of evolution-
‘Now more civilized’
I decide to sleep
My eyes have called indeed
I don’t have friends, Enemies do I have
The best would be- liking my enemies
I don’t really see the coat been given
The coat on body, more coats in the wardrobe
A body with no coat meets this
And leaves without no coat
I see a slap on one cheek and that cheek
Is coursed by hands-
And those hands reply with a punch
Then follows with a machete
Taking off the head of the initiator
The cold night is fuming over my room
The needle of the eyes should prick
The happenings all over-
Well I am just little me in the world
I should just sleep and wake up
In the world-
Dark and cold


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